Eat Yoghurt Everyday


Not only is plain yoghurt a probiotic food (one that is crammed with good bacteria known to aid digestion and prevent inflammation), it also has specific benefits for the waist.


In a review of evidence published in the International Journal of Obesity , researchers from the University of York found that there is evidence to suggest regular yogurt consumption is associated with smaller waist circumference, lower body fat and less weight gain.

Yoghurt contains several micronutrients including calcium, that makes it harder for the body to absorb fat from food. “It’s a great morning choice as it makes you feel more full than eating lots of carbs for breakfast.” says Dr Megan Rossi, a gut health researcher at KCL. “Most of the evidence suggests daily intakes of 200g-250g of natural, plain yogurt – a small pot usually contains 150g – will bring health benefits.

I recommend FAGE total 5% yoghurt because of it’s good bacteria, high protein content (9g per 100g) and relative low calorie (93kcal per 100g) and low sugar content (3g per 100g). It also contains live active yoghurt cultures (L. Bulgaricus, S. Thermophilus, L. Acidophilus, Bifidus and L. Casei)


Will a daily dose of fermented foods boost your health?


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