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Nutrition Advice Ophelia Hogan Nutrition Advice Ophelia Hogan

Why you are probably not eating enough protein a day

Suddenly we’re being told that we’re not eating half as much protein as we should each day. Professor Stuart Phillips, an expert in muscle growth from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, said on Radio 4’s Food Programme that the UK’s official recommended level of protein intake in midlife must be at least doubled to save us from frailty and premature death.

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Nutrition Advice Ophelia Hogan Nutrition Advice Ophelia Hogan

Understanding Carbohydrates

The amount of carbs we should consume is a highly debated topic. The dietary guidelines suggest that we should get about half of our calories from carbohydrates. On the other hand, some claim that we should limit them in our diets as they lead to obesity and diseases like type 2 diabetes.

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Nutrition Advice Ophelia Hogan Nutrition Advice Ophelia Hogan

Plant-Based Sports Nutrition

In Plant-based Sports Nutrition, registered dietitians Enette Larson-Meyer and Matt Ruscigno combine evidence-based research with personal experience working with – and as – vegan and vegetarian athletes to offer a complete explanation of how, when and why you need to plan your nutrient intake.

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Nutrition Advice Ophelia Hogan Nutrition Advice Ophelia Hogan

Why oats are the ultimate superfood

Have you had your oats today? There are few health foods that, while others have gone in and out of fashion, have stood the test of time as well as oats. There aren’t many that are also gut-friendly, heart-healthy and good for the waistline. And as science repeatedly confirms that oats are among the best foods we can eat for all-round health, so our appetite for them continues to grow.

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