Pea and Spinach Soup

Delicious, super simple to make and good for you

What’s not to like!

2 x 1kg frozen garden peas

1 x 900g bag frozen spinach

Black pepper

Fresh or dried mint to taste

1. Place them in a large saucepan

2. Add water to 3/4 way up the frozen veg

3. Bring to the boil and cook for 15 minutes

4. Allow to cool slightly and then liquidise to your consistency preference. Add more water as you prefer.

Serving options:

A swirl of Greek 5%yogurt

Crispy cooked tofu pieces

Roasted pistachios and almonds

Crispy Parma ham

A sprinkling of toasted mixed seeds

Chestnuts are delicious in it

As is a teaspoon of chilli harissa for some heat.


Roasted Brussel sprouts and broccoli with tofu and delicious Tahini Miso sauce.


Calf Stretches