Rice - Which variety is best for you?
As ever with nutrition there is endless research that you can look at, but in short:
My top three for nutrient density, texture and taste are:
1. Brown Rice
The bran, germ and aleurone layers are still present and so brown rice contains more minerals and other nutrients and this may help reduce blood sugar levels and aid in weight management.
Brown rice has six times as much manganese than in red rice, a mineral needed for bone formation and metabolic function. It also has a role to play in blood clotting and your sex hormones. Moreover, it is responsible for fat and carbohydrate metabolism, calcium absorption, and blood sugar regulation.
2. Red Rice
The variety of red rice from the marshy Camargue in southwest France is famous, but it is grown around the world too, from Malaysia to Brazil. The red comes from the husk and because this isn’t removed through the normal hulling and polishing process that makes white rice, healthy nutrients remain.
Red rice also contains generous amounts of manganese.
3. Wild Rice
Actually seeds from the zizania species of wetland grass, so this is not really rice at all (according to botanists, at least).
Cooked wild rice has as well as 40 per cent more protein and about 30 per cent fewer calories than brown rice. It also contains more fibre, potassium and zinc. However,.
And my answer to enjoying their combined nutrients, is to cook all three together.
Other varieties of rice:
Meaning “fragrant” in Hindi, this is a long-grained rice cultivated mainly in north India and Pakistan. Patna rice is a similar variety
Short Grain Rice
More commonly found in east Asia, where it is prized for its tendency to clump. It is often used in sushi.
Sticky or glutinous rice
Very high in amylopectin, a starch component that makes the grains cling to each other. It is usually steamed, as too much water will make it disintegrate. Its chewy texture makes it the preferred rice in northern Thailand and Vietnam, where it is also made into chewy cakes and puddings.
Quick cook or boil in the bag
The milled rice has been parboiled, breaking the cell walls so the final process can be done quickly. Likely to result in a loss of nutrients, taste and texture.
White Rice
Fully milled and polished with fine-wire brushes, so all the protective coat has been removed. White rice keeps longer and better than other forms but it lacks minerals, vitamins and fibre
Named after a small town in Piedmont, Italy, but grown all over the world. It is the largest absorbent rice grain used for risotto. “Superfino” on the packet does not mean it is better, simply that the grains are more than 6.4mm long. Carnaroli and vialone nano are shorter and preferred by many chefs