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The longevity rules: what to do for a younger body — and brain
here is no reason why most humans can’t live to 100, says Dr Julia Jones, bluntly. The neuroscientist and author is annoyed that on a recent longevity predictor test, her healthy life expectancy came out at “only” 97.
Let Your Brain Do The Walking
Dr Paul Batman talks about physical activity and mental health. He looks at the impact exercise has on the hippocampus and overall brain function.
Midlife Happiness: 17 ways to feel good
I loved this article on how to keep ourselves feeling good. The opportunity we have to adopt healthy approaches in midlife— such as not smoking, developing good relationships and finding positive ways to cope with life’s inevitable distresses — we can make all the difference to our experience of of old age.
Let’s Talk About Stress
Stress can be debilitating and very harmful to our health and wellbeing. A fantastic in depth article follows with many expert top tips and explanations. In my opinion, sleep is at the top of the tree.
Six reasons why getting outside is good for you.
Many of us experience low-grade mood swings from autumn onwards as days get shorter and darker, says Dr Sarita Robinson, deputy head of the school of psychology at the University of Central Lancashire.
Willpower – What it is and How to Strengthen Yours?
Strengthen your willpower with exercise and meditation. Reducing alcohol intake, hunger, stress and poor- quality sleep will also help. Willpower is the ability to do what matters most, even when it’s difficult or when some part of us doesn’t want to.
A week without getting seven to eight hours’ sleep a night
“We all know that even a single night of disrupted sleep can affect mood and alertness. “Try not to catch up on sleep by having a lie-in or napping in the day, as that disturbs your body clock,” she says.
The Amazing Positive Power of Being Outside
Make is easy for yourself: Start small. Make it manageable and something that you look forward to rather than a chore that your procrastinate about. You don’t need to spend hours outside to make a difference. Start with 10 minutes. Choose a time of day that works best for your commitments.
Sleep – How Important is it for our Health?
I would consider sleep to be a key element for our wellbeing. Lack of sleep can affect our mood; our ability to make the best food choices; our ability to focus and work efficiently; our motivation and energy to exercise and so the list goes on.
Focusing on the Positives of Change
From a wellbeing perspective now could be a great time to make positive lifestyle and behaviour changes. Focusing on the positive possibilities as we are being forced into dramatic changes, can help our mental and physical wellbeing
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