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Wellbeing, Podcasts Ophelia Hogan Wellbeing, Podcasts Ophelia Hogan

Fix your body clock to improve long term health with Prof. Satchin Panda ZOE Science & Nutrition Podcast..

Modern life often throws our natural body clocks out of sync, affecting our health, energy levels, and overall well-being. But did you know that when you eat and sleep can be just as important as what you eat? Aligning your daily routine with your circadian rhythm can help reduce the risk of chronic disease, boost mood, and improve energy levels….

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Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing Ophelia Hogan Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing Ophelia Hogan

The truth about vitamin D supplements

Sunshine is the best boost for our vitamins D levels.
As well as a fantastic uplift for our emotional wellbeing.
It only takes 15-20 mins of sunshine a day, on exposed skin, to rejuvenate our Vitamin D levels.

To create vitamin D we need enough sunlight exposure onto our skin.
Our bodies are very adapted to make plenty of vitamin D.

If you’re concerned about the harmful rays of the sun, even the British Dermatological Association now acknowledges that we need to make the most of the winter sun.

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Physical Wellbeing, Wellbeing Ophelia Hogan Physical Wellbeing, Wellbeing Ophelia Hogan

How to age-proof your face, body and brain (it’s never too late to start)

How healthy is your body? As we get older, everything from our heart and joints to our brain and gut microbiome are vulnerable to wear and tear, often exacerbated by the cumulative effects of poor diet and exercise choices. The result is that we are increasingly at risk of illnesses that can seriously threaten our chances of a long and healthy life.

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