Reflection and Progression

Adopting a systematic and evidence based approach is a great way to monitor if your plan is achieving your desired outcomes.


How it works: 

  1. Be curious and explore. Treat your plan as a journey of discovery.

  2. Make educated hypotheses based on observations.
    - Test the hypotheses…does it work or not?

  3. Gather evidence and document your findings.

    - Document your plan and measure your progress on more than one metric.

  4. Change one variable at a time to understand its effect.

  5. Adopt a mindset of critical thinking: analyse data & look for patterns and correlations.
    - Question assumptions and avoid biases.
    - Use logical reasoning (not emotions) to interpret results.

  6. Share findings with experts for validations.
    - Discuss scenarios and finding with me and we can brainstorm the right solutions for you.

  7. Accept beliefs and theories may need revision based on new evidence.
    - Be open to new ideas and adapt based on findings.

  8. Use mathematic and statistical methods to make sense of data.
    - Understand probabilities and distinguish between correlation and causation.

  9. Do not accept claims without evidence.
    - Be aware of pseudoscience and distinguish it from credible research


Fix your body clock to improve long term health with Prof. Satchin Panda ZOE Science & Nutrition Podcast..


Self Reflection