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How your body will love you for drinking less alcohol
“According to Alcohol Change UK, the charity behind Dry January, cutting out booze can improve your skin, energy levels and health in as little as a week if you usually drink several times a week or daily.“
The benefits of reducing the amount of meat you eat.
“Giving up red meat for a week could give your health a real boost. According to NHS guidelines, we should be eating “no more than 70g of red and processed meat a day”.
100 Calorie Budget
If you are hungry and want something nutritious to eat here are some great comparisons for a 100 calorie budget.
Should I Have Tofu or Chicken in my Curry?
Tofu is the superfood that everyone loves because it’s low in calories, low in fat and high in protein. It’s ideal for weight loss and it’s packed full of healthy nutrients.
What to eat to keep your brain young?
Our gut microbes affect all aspects of our health, including brain health. This article has sound advice in this article of what to eat to make a difference.
Let’s Talk About Milk
Two top dieticians to rate and compare the popular alternatives to cow’s milk.
Plan to Eat & Why
Obesity has been described as, a normal response by a normal person, to an abnormal environment – we are physiologically designed to eat the food that is in front of us.
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